For my famous last words, I kinda felt confused about this week's agenda but I ended up getting back on track. Balancing a crazy schedule within school, I find myself trying to keep up with the material along with preparing for post undergrad. For the reading this week, Although I ended up reading the wrong material, I had went back and re-read the right material and found it interesting how the topic of The Life of Buddha was almost movie-like and how he was going through a enlightening journey to become the person that certain individuals would end up looking up too. Mara's Defeat in particular was my favorite story because it highlighted just how powerful Buddha is compared to Mara. Because of this story, I feel like I did my best writing this week with Class President because I love a good story that has a protagonists that is strong but also an antagonist that is clever, charismatic, and opportunistic. Writing that story, i tried to live up to my demands and create the best story possible and although the finish product might need some tweaking, I think I am happy with the decisions that i made and stoked about how the ending turned out. To get into a groove of writing things, I find myself looking at other people's blogs and comparing them to a story I have envisioned myself writing about or I look at a story I found to be amusing and try to emulate their writing technique along with my ideas.My plans for next week are to hopefully write an even better story and to have enough time to completely get my juices flowing to do so because with my current schedule now I am going to have to find more time to do assignments for the class and also stay on top of other classes.
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