There once was a man named O'Reilly who lived in the town of Apollonia with his wife, Meredith. They were living in the poorest section of the town and had spent days and nights wishing that money would fall into their lap. One morning before going to work, O'Reilly had awakened to the sound of a thud on the front door. O'Reilly then slid out of bed to see who or what has arrived on his porch and found an eviction notice before he could open the locks on the door. Meredith follows behind him asking O'Reilly what he is holding and he tells her about them needing to come up with money within a certain amount of days otherwise they will be put on the streets. "What are we going to do? It is almost time for winter and we cannot be without a place to stay," said Meredith. "I know, I know my dear. Hopefully, Mr. O'Boyle will be generous enough to grant me a raise for my birthday since I have been helping him around the shop for quite a spell," said...
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